We believe in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is divine revelation and we submit to the authority of Holy Scripture, acknowledging it to be inerrantly inspired by God and carrying the full weight of His authority.
God has created man in His own image, a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. Because man fell into sin and entered into a state of spiritual death, he has subsequently become estranged from his creator.
In order to rescue man from certain doom, God has initiated a plan of redemption which He has accomplished on behalf of His people in the realm of temporal history.
This plan is located in the historical incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We confess Jesus the Christ of the Old Testament prophecy, being at once God and man.
The Lord Jesus, through His substitutionary atoning death and bodily resurrection, has not only provided the meritorious basis of our justification, which by God’s grace, we receive by faith alone, He has also in His ascension and sitting down at the right hand of the Father, enabled and empowered us to exercise His own authority on the earth.
We confess that Satan the adversary, now defeated and disarmed, has no dominion over us.
It is our confession that sin has no dominion over us.
The risen and ascended Christ has sent His Holy Spirit to indwell the hearts of believers, perfecting their sanctification and holiness, conforming them to the image of their Lord.
We believe that our Lord has established a visible church, a corporate and universal community of believers brought together by and called to live in the power of the Holy Spirit under the regulation of the authority of the Holy Scripture, administering the sacraments and preaching the Gospel.
We believe that our pursuit, in hope of apprehension, of holiness through patient love and obedience until His certain and imminent return, will, inevitably, be visible in concrete forms and models of personal social behavior.